7 Wealth Generation Methods for Young People

Generational wealth is the ability to pass down financial assets to future generations. It's something that many people dream of, but it's not always easy to achieve. However, if you're in your 20s and you're serious about building generational wealth, there are a few things you can do to get started. Here are seven tips for building generational wealth in your 20s: Set financial goals. The first step to building generational wealth is to set financial goals. What do you want to achieve financially? Do you want to buy a house? Pay off your student loans? Retire early? Once you know what you want, you can start to create a plan to achieve it. Opens in a new window www.investor.gov Create a budget. A budget is a great way to track your income and expenses. It can help you see where your money is going and make adjustments to save more. There are many different budgeting methods, so find one that works for you and stick to it. Opens in a new window mint.intuit.com Live bel...

Jordan Belfort's Selling Script + 8 Other Samples [Sell Anything To Anyone 2020]


      Nicknamed "the Wolf of Wall Street," Jordan Belfort made millions in the 1990s through his investment 

company, Stratton Oakmont. In 1999, he pled guilty to fraud and related crimes in connection with stock-market 

manipulation and running a boiler room as part of a penny-stock scam.Belfort spent 22 months in prison.

“I got greedy. ... Greed is not good. Ambition is good, passion is good. Passion prospers.

My goal is to give more than I get, that's a sustainable form of success. ... Ninety-five percent of the business was 

legitimate. ... It was all brokerage firm issues. It was all legitimate, nothing to do with liquidating stocks.” said Belfort.

The employees were also urged to live by the motto, "Don't hang up the phone until the customer either

buys or dies." Their hard-sell tactics paid off in the short term.

As Belfort told the New York Post, "It's easier to get rich quick when you don't follow the rules."

So In this post, I’m going to take a look at Jordan’s sales script as depicted in the movie to see what we can learn

Wolf of Wall Street: The Original Sales Script

Let’s have a look at what language techniques the Wolf applies to close the deal:

  • Using the customer’s name multiple times as opposed to the boss who forgot Jordan’s name and barely remembered their phone call

  • Saying 60 seconds to minimize the customer’s resistance to having his time wasted

  • Saying “got a minute?” – the way a friend would ask

  • Quieting his voice to create mystery and curiosity

  • Increasing his volume and using his intonation to create excitement

  • Saying “Now…right now, John” to create urgency and fear of loss

  • Moving his body as he speaks because physical enthusiasm comes across in your voice;

8 Other Selling Scripts Samples

1. Cold Call Appointment Script Example

Hi _____________, this is Jess from Fit Small Business. We haven’t met yet, but I was doing some research on companies that may be a good fit for our [product or service] and noticed we might be able to help. I haven’t caught you at a bad time, have I?

I know your time is valuable, so I’ll be brief. Several of the businesses we work with encounter challenges in finding affordable, effective tools to manage their growing teams. Is that something you experience at [company name]?

We’re a software company that’s dedicated to making tools that save time, improve productivity, and increase sales for small businesses. I’d love to set up 15 minutes with you and anyone else on your team who’d like to learn more next week. Does Monday or Thursday afternoon work better for you?

Great, I’ll send you a calendar invite right away. Thank you for your time—I look forward to meeting you soon!

2. Voicemail Script Example

Hi _____________, this is Jess from Fit Small Business. I’d like to reconnect after our last meeting and talk

 about which product is the best fit for you and your team—and congratulate you on recent success 

(if you can find some award or goal the company has received, even better—don’t forget to mention it.)

In fact, many of the customers we support with our [your product or services] have a lot in common 

with [prospect business name] in that they are growing quickly and looking for solutions to support their business processes.

I know you’re busy, but I’d like to connect to schedule 15 minutes next week to learn more about your business

 needs and explore how we might be able to help you increase productivity company-wide and close more deals.

I’ll follow up with you [next Tuesday] to see if we can get something on the calendar.

You can also reach me at [your phone number and email addresses] if you’d like to

get something set up sooner. Thanks in advance for your time.

3. Follow-up Script Example

Hi _____________, this is Jess from Fit Small Business. I’m so glad we were finally able to meet last week and learn more about your business.

Based on our meeting, I think we can agree [your company name] would greatly benefit from partnering with us to give you the tools to help improve productivity, collaboration, and close deals faster. Help me understand what needs to happen for us to move forward and get started.

I’d like to send a proposal for you to review so we can get started. Let’s set up 10 minutes to go over the details. I’m free Monday and Thursday afternoon. What works best for you? I’m definitely excited about working with [their company name].

4. Gatekeeper Script Example

Good afternoon, this is Jess from Fit Small Business. I was hoping you could help me out—what’s your name?

Nice to meet you, Elizabeth. I’m trying to speak with the person responsible for [managing your sales team]. Could you tell me who that is? Is he or she available to take a quick phone call?

No problem, I’ll just leave you my information and follow up with Claire in a couple of days. Do you mind sharing her contact information so I can send her a message and arrange a good time for us to talk?

Thank you so much for your help.

5. Referral Script Example

Hi _____________, this is Jess from Fit Small Business. I know that we haven’t had a chance to meet, but [Tony at Company X] suggested I call you. We’ve worked with them before and Tony mentioned that you are the best person to speak with about [improving your sales processes as your team grows.]

I’d like to spend a few minutes talking about how we can help [your business] the same way. I haven’t caught you at a bad time, have I?

Well, I know you’re busy, so I’ll get right to the point. Many of our current customers are similar to [prospect business name] in that they [are growing quickly and need effective, affordable tools to manage their sales processes.] Does that sound like your company?

We’re a [software company dedicated to developing tools that help small businesses become more productive, efficient, and close deals faster.] I’d love to schedule 15 minutes next week to learn more about your business and explore how we might be able to make things easier and save you money. I’m free both [Tuesday and Thursday afternoon]. Which of these works best for you?

6. Promotional Script Example

Hi _____________, this is Jess from Fit Small Business. I know you’re interested in moving forward with us to help streamline your sales process, but you’re concerned about the cost of on boarding and training.

I went ahead and talked with my boss about your concerns and asked if there’s anything we can do to make it easier and get you started. He told me we are running a promotion that I can extend to you for free training. However, it’s a time-limited promotion and expires at the end of the month.

Do you think it’s feasible to get started by the 31st? Let me know, and I’ll draft your proposal and send it your way. Thank you for the opportunity to earn your business.

7. Overcoming Objections Script Example

Hi _____________, this is Jess from Fit Small Business. I wanted to follow up with you on our previous conversation about switching to our human resources management software.

I have some information I think might help. I haven’t caught you at a bad time, have I?

Great. Now I know you’re currently using [X software] for your recruiting and performance management solutions, so I get that you might be hesitant to make a switch. From what I know, it doesn’t offer applicant tracking tools and that’s something you’ve talked about wanting during our last conversation.

Our program will send you the best matches for certain positions automatically, so I really think we could help streamline that process for you. Who else would need to be on board to make it happen? Let’s set up a time for me to come out and demo those features for you and your team and see if it’s a good fit. I’m free both [Tuesday and Friday] afternoon. What works best for you?

8. Hail Mary Voicemail Script Example

Hi _____________, this is Jess from Fit Small Business. I know it’s been a while since we last talked and I wanted to check in with you.

I know you’ were interested in our products and services when we spoke last month, but I haven’t been able to reach you. Is everything ok? Please give me a call at your convenience and let me know what we can do to earn your business. If you’ve decided it’s not a good fit right now, let’s talk about it and decide when to revisit.

I’m looking forward to hearing back from you soon. Thanks for your time.

Tips For Selling…

  1. Offer a free trial

  2. Ask them to do YOU a favor

  3. Selling is all about discounts and timed offers

  4. Wow them with a feature they were not expecting

  5. Social Proof (this one is HUGE)

  6. Make the customer feel uncomfortable (yes, uncomfortable). [This one requires practice ]

  7. Grow your network before you need it

  8. Build Trust First!


Selling is the most natural thing a person can do as a job. We are all salesmen. Some more pro than others but we all are. It all started the moment we convinced our parents to give us some milk to drink by whining and screaming in the middle of the night. Whether it is selling a physical product or convincing someone to sign up as a user on your platform, understanding key sales techniques can help you generate your desired outcome.   


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